Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Webinar Way (2nd edition)

When your purchase The Webinar Way paperback on Amazon, you get the Kindle version for free as as our gift to you!  

One Step or Two Steps to Make Money from Webinars?

How do you make money with one step or two steps on your free training webinar?

The one step is obvious: To make money from a free webinar, you offer a paid product at the end.  If you promoted your webinar correctly, taught your participants great content, and delivered a pitch that made sense, people will buy your product on the live or recorded/automated webinar.

The free webinar gives people an option to take the training to the next level. This depends on what you sell.

The one step is if you are selling a product - a physical or digital product like a course or program.   But you MUST “Ask for the sale.”

It feels good to sell on webinar because you give real value, and it's your best stuff!  It's your best content, your most relevant content that you can share during the presentation. Of course, you have more to share beyond the webinar.

Not everyone will buy live on the webinar. Even when your live webinar ends, there are more sales to be made.You can also follow up with the people who registered for your webinar and if they didn't buy live, you can send them follow-up emails and then you can also offer them a limited bonus during the limited replay period. That could be 48 hours after your webinar. They can still purchase the offer that you made on the webinar.

When you running a webinar, it builds up your confidence to the pitch, all the way through the webinar because you can see the live chat and you see people sharing, "Wow, this is so valuable!" Or you someone comments, "I'm getting so much out of this" or "I can't believe this is free training it is so good." So you'll build up your confidence throughout the whole 45 minutes and by the time you go to pitch you’re ready, "I am amazing and everyone loves this "and I'm doing great!"

You get immediate positive feedback happening throughout the entire webinar that doesn't happen when you're simply sending emails.

The questions and objections the participants share let you know: What are you missing? What's not clear about your offer? and that feedback whill shape up your offer and other webinars you do in the future. It’s super smart!

Three Tips For How To Make Your Webinar Profitable

1)               Your webinar promise aligns with the pitch and the offer that you're making. Make sure that what you are attracting people with, your webinar topic/headline, is directly aligned with your offer that you're selling. Something that's just so spot-on so that there's no confusion about what the offer is.  

ke sure that the people registering for your webinar are your ideal customer for your product or your service.  Re-engineer it in an almost backwards way, knowing this is what I'm trying to sell, where is my customer in their journey right now? What questions are they asking? What things are hanging them up right now? So then, answer that question and then they see this whole resource that can answer all their other questions. Your messaging must align with your topic and your offer.

2)       Start  transitioning into the pitch part of your webinar by about 45 minutesto allow you to get like the maximum audience and get that pitch in front of the most amount of people who are interested in your topic. If they'd stayed that long, they're most likely interested.

3)       Visually show the offer. So, on your slides  or screen share, maybe you can show an image on your screen to the offer is tangible and real. Show the products and bonuses that are included, even if it's a digital product, using a mock up of it. The participatns are hearing the words, and they can actually start to visually see things value add up. And then on last slide, we have it all together. Use the show don't just tell principle.

What about the Two-Step?

The two-step is not a direct sale.  It is an step before the sales close.  This could be a phone call, application form, survey, or additional step.  This could be no money or a deposit (usually refundable if it is not a fit)

On the webinar they get taste of what it's like to work with you.  If they like working with you, give the coaching offer or a coaching package they buy on the strategy or free consultation phone call. You can do really well selling services on webinars because you make a better personal connection to people who think, wow, I love this presentation, I love the way she talks, I love the way she's explaining things. I would love to work with her one on one.  The two step phone call or application is just a confirmation and opportunity to go to the second step with is to ask for the sale. .

So whether you sell coachings, services, products, physical products, software, any of those things can be sold on webinars using a one-step or two-step approach.

Get the Book, The Webinar Way from Sherrie Rose to discover more about webinars.

The Webinar Way has been updated and improved for 2018! Enjoy both the paperback and Kindle versions of the book for your reading convenience.


For further information, please contact Sherrie Rose at her social connections here:

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